Briana O'Neill

In my free time, I enjoy watching movies,traveling, hiking, and playing volleyball with friends and family. When I get the chance, I find playing board games with friends is a great stress reliever because I enjoy the creative of being yourself. A weakness of mine is being a people pleaser, I want everyone to enjoy there design. My motto is " every design has a flaw, but every flaw creates a masterpiece." At times, this can be an issue, but over the years, I've learned how to balance pleasing a client and setting the reality of what projects can be achieved.


In May 2015, Briana graduated from Pittsburg State University with a Bachelor of Science in Technology with an emphasis in print and digital media management along with a minor in marketing.

In May 2012, Briana graduated from Labette Community College with a Associates in Applied Science with and emphasis in graphic design along with a minor in photography.

At Pittsburg State University, Briana was actively involved on the campus. She served as a student leader for Transfer Scholars where she led tours and small groups, as well as developing promotional ideas for service projects. This experience has given her the opportunities to apply her passion in helping other start their journey through visual communication. Briana served as a member of Gamma Epsilon Tau and held the position of lead coordinator of the projects/contest committee. Which organized the contest for G3 Expo (games,gagets,and graphics) held at Pitt State. She served as promotional chair on the student activities council (SAC), which she later presented a rebrand to change the name, logo, motto, and structure of the organization to help future members of the council. The organization is now gorilla activities board (GAB), and she served as advertising director. 

At Labette Community college, Briana served as the president of the graphic design club where she led and developed creative posters. She later became the featured student of the graphic design department for her creative projects. During that time she served as a student ambassador for the college by giving tours to the visiting guests, along with becoming a member of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society for her outstanding performance in the classroom.

These experiences have strengthened Briana's leadership abilities and stretched her creativity.


  • Prairie Mountain Screening Graphic Designer (August 2017 - present) - Designing the graphics for T-shirts, sweats, outerwear, and caps for souvenir shops all across the United States. We design the shirts for the National parks, NASA, and Trucking Companies.

  • Miller's Professional Imaging Color Technician/ Quality Control (Sept 2015-2017) - As a color technician she looks at thousands of images per day and assesses the color on each individual image by adjusting the skin tones to match a natural looking color.


  • Physical Plant/ Pittsburg State University Graphic Designer/Administrative Assistant (Aug 2013- Aug 2015) - The designer for the physical plant consisted of photographing the jobs performed by the employees. Organize and decorate for school spirit functions and composing decals for the front office. She developed a interactive magazine for the employees to read and be updated on current events.


  • Gorilla Activities Board Advertising Director (Oct 2013-May 2015) - As the advertising director she led the marketing team and developed creative posters and other promotional materials to advertise the council's events.


  • First Southern Baptist Church of Cherokee Creative Arts/Web designer Intern (Jan 2015-May 2015) - She created all content for the churches website through photos to the organization and layout of the pages. While updating the welcoming packets, brochures, and slide shows for Sunday morning services.

Briana has also worked in a graphic communications specialist capacity for other business and organizations, including Sam Clausen Photography, 4-H State Entomology work shops, and 4-H clubs.